Projects, Builds, and Commentary

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Fighting Burnout and Fatigue while finishing EasyStream

For the past 2-3 months I have been working very hard on my live-streaming service, Easy Stream ( I plan on going into detail on it on a later post). I am now to the point where I need to finalize a few apps and work on customer aquisition, this is incredibly boring for me.

My progress has slowed greatly. I run into this problem often where I work too hard and fast on a project and get burnt out by the time its viable. In this next week I hope to put some more time into the PC App. Which is built using electron, which is fine but not too interesting.

I’ve found the best strategy is to work in chunks and hope I can get into flow. I try to spend 15 minutes and if I can’t get into flow then I usually give up. I need to find a way to focus better. I think adderall might be good but I’ve never been perscribed it, so caffine will have to do. Hopefully I can finish it in the next couple days and turn my focus to customer acquistion, which is going to be very hard for me. It feels like the fear of that is part of what’s slowing me down

Written on August 1, 2020